Monash University Trench Sheet Solution
Re-planning and relocation of construction works at the new university building meant that a rainwater harvesting tank that was proposed in another location now had to be constructed in a tight area between an existing building and a site boundary. This left no room for benching and an appropriate shoring system was required. The excavation size needed to be 12m x 7m x 3.5m deep within a clayey sand material, no water.
Crib Civil required a shoring option that gave them a big enough clear opening to drop in two Glass Reinforced Plastic Rainwater Harvesting Tanks whilst at the same time being strong enough to carry additional load from nearby existing building foundations and limit ground movement deflection. The shoring system also had to be flexible enough to allow piping from the tanks and services to pass through the excavation unobstructed.
The Super Shaft brace bracing beam was chosen to cater for heavy loads and by being able to cut holes in the trench sheets, this solved the obstruction issues. The sheets were embedded in a sufficient distance using our Mabey EMV 450.
With Mabey’s Engineering and customer support, Crib Civil successfully completed the installation, the permanent works, and the removal of shoring within a three-week window. This was well within their allotted timescale and a great achievement considering this was the first time the contractor had undertook this specific type of work.

Civil Construction
Temporary Groundworks
Engineering & Project