
Vibration from a construction or demolition site, can have a significant impact on the surrounding neighbourhood. The need to monitor these vibration levels is becoming ever more important and is a fundamental requirement from Local Authorities to ensure such impacts are limited.

The monitoring of vibration levels enables site personnel to control site activities, ensuring that surrounding buildings are protected from the potential damages or long-term effects caused during demolition, piling or construction works.

Our vibration monitoring solutions are fully compliant to BS7385, BS5228 and DIN4150-2 for use in a wide range of applications.


  • Construction & Demolition activities
  • Piling projects and Groundworks
  • Party wall agreements
  • Rail embankment monitoring
  • Buried services monitoring
  • Traffic surveys

Experience Construction Innovation.

To explore innovative solutions for your construction and infrastructure projects, get in touch with Mabey Australia today

Portable Vibration Monitor - Short Term Monitoring Solution.

The perfect solution for shorter term or multiple ad-hoc measurements, this portable vibration monitoring solution has been specifically designed to be robust and easy to use – ideal for construction and demolition environments.

Housed in a virtually unbreakable, IP67 rated case, Micromate can be moved around site as a project progresses and features visual alert beacons to warn of any breaches.

• Simple, intuitive touchscreen operation - easy to use

• Lightweight, portable unit - can easily be moved around site

• Battery operated with mains charger* - ensures continual, uninterrupted use

Data is stored to the unit memory, for USB download - for analysis at a later stage

*Battery life and data storing capability is 10 days.

Document TypeDocument NameDownload Link
Mabey Vibration MonitoringDownload
Vibration Monitoring - Quick Setup GuideDownload
Vibration Monitoring - Components GuideDownload
Vibration Monitoring – Selecting Peak Particle Velocity (PPV) ValuesDownload
Vibration Monitoring – Alarm Lights GuideDownload
Thor Operator ManualDownload