Eastern Creek Sewer Main
Mabey Australia were approached to create a solution to enable a main sewer upgrade to take place, in the Eastern Creek NSW area.
It involved planning how to safely excavate four pits to depths between 12m and 17m through soft soil and rock to allow a boring machine to come through enabling the installation of a sewer main which runs under a main road.
Three levels of four sided 7m Aluminium Shoring lining the top section of each pit were used and then four sided 6m Heavy Duty Steel Shoring was used below allowing the use of a small excavator to dig in the bottom of each pit.
Specialised ladders were constructed allowing access for workers to the bottom of the trench with Davit Arms.
A very safe and neat excavation in all pits with plenty of working room at both the top and bottom.

Sewer Upgrade
Shoring Equipment
& Systems
New South Wales